Snow & Winter Hoof Care

hoof snow

Snow & Winter Hoof Care

Snow & Winter Hoof Care

As you probably notice, your horse’s hooves grow at a significantly slower rate in the winter and start to accelerate again with longer days and more sunlight. This may mean saving on farrier and scheduling regular work further apart, but it’s a double edged sword. Cracks and any other hoof defects take much longer to clear up.

Hooves & Snow : The Good Part

Freezing temperatures are not friendly environment for bacteria and fungus. Get your leg up on thrush problems and treat regularly to make sure your horse’s hooves are ready for the oh-soo-thrush-prone spring season.

Hooves & Snow : The Bad Part

Is your horse walking on snowballs? Wet snow tightly packed in the hoof (especially shod ones) can cause tripping, pain and may lead to injury. You may consider pulling your horses shoes off for the winter. It will decrease the chance of “snow-balling” and give the hooves some time to regenerate. If your horse requires to be shod at all times, ask your farrier to apply anti-snowball pads. You can try Pam cooking spray on the bottom of the hoof as a short term solution.

TIP: For healthy hooves try our Hoof Therapy Therapeutic Hoof Serum. It  moisturizes dry, cracked hoofs, softens hardened frogs, treats contracted heels and protects against the elements. Organic Hemp, Wheat Germ, Apricot Kernel and Olive Oil are rich in the essential fatty acids vital for healthy hoof growth.

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