hoof snow

Snow & Winter Hoof Care

Snow & Winter Hoof Care Snow & Winter Hoof Care As you probably notice, your horse’s hooves grow at a significantly slower rate in the winter and start to accelerate again with longer days and more sunlight. This may mean saving on farrier and scheduling regular work further apart, but it’s a double edged sword. Cracks and any other hoof …

Harding Heights Ranch Herd

Raving Reviews from the Harding Heights Ranch

Raving Reviews from the Harding Heights Ranch I’d like to share with you a latest testimonial from one our customers – Shauntelle from the Harding Heights Ranch in Trail, BC. Here we go: “My Mom and I run Harding Heights Ranch Ltd. and we strive to provide the most natural/holistic care possible for our herd of 15 horses.  I came upon …

ecolicious unison

Show Ready with EcoLicious Equestrian : Comprehensive Guide to Make Your Horse Red Carpet Ready, Part 3

Show Ready with EcoLicious Equestrian : Comprehensive Guide to Make Your Horse Red Carpet Ready, Part 3 Here is our final part of our “EcoLicious Red Carpet Ready Guide”. If you follow these steps, your horse will look like a glamorous movie star at the Oscars when you’re done with him. Guaranteed. Most importantly –  have fun with your horse and make sure …

Hoof therapy

Hoof Therapy – Customer’s Review

Hoof Therapy – Customer’s Review Big thanks to EcoLicious  for their fabulous line of products. I am head over heels with the Hoof Therapy Treatment. Considering this summer with its continuing rain then a few weeks of drought where ground got to rock hard, Hoof Therapy kept my horses’ feet in immaculate condition. I even used it on the fetlock …

lisa going ecolicious

Lisa Going EcoLicious – The EcoLicious Beauty Makeover

Lisa Going EcoLicious – The EcoLicious Beauty Makeover We confess. We’re obsessed with before & after pics. Be it in a beauty salon or in an episode of the Biggest Loser, we’re crazy about them. In the spirit of our obsession, we’d like to share with you today a story of Lisa – a Hanoverian Warmblood mare going EcoLicious. Lisa …